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The Wheel of Consent

    Useful framing, and diagram, outlining aspects of consent we can be aware and unaware of, and explore in consensual touch, like taking/allowing and serving/accepting. Also useful videos for exploring what… Read More

    TRE practice demonstrations

      TRE short practice demonstrations Read More

      TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) practice

        Conversation about and demonstration of TRE excercises and practice. Read More

        TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises)

          Video explaining the process of the tremor mechanism in the TRE process. It integrates the neuro-physiological mechanisms in a manner that demonstrates why the tremor mechanism in humans might be… Read More

          Centering practice

            Staci Haines - Embodiment and Somatic Practices Read More

            Yoga Nidra for Sleep

              This soothing yoga nidra practice offers tools to induce sleep naturally, connecting within and to the body. Use as you transition into sleep, or as a way to bring meditation… Read More

              Palming the eyes for rest and relaxation (short video of practice).

                A practice to rest the eyes, and central nervous system, useful to relax generally, especially useful after screen time on computers/phones. Read More

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