Book / E-Book

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Disability Justice – Statera Arts

    Statera Arts is working with women* , non-binary people and marginalized populations across Arts and Activism. This website has a huge amount of resources specifically looking at disability and disability… Read More

    Afro Feminias – Nuestras solo exsistencia es resistencia – Afro Feminsim – Our exsitience is resistence

      This website is written in spanish. The website is an extensive resource and black feminist collectives across Mexico, Colombia and Argentina. Read More

      Radical feminist health care manual

        Practices of Radical Health Care contains twelve interviews with protagonists of the health movement, touching on issues as feminist and Radical therapy, vaginal self-examination, alternative forms of organisation in health… Read More

        Herbs against sadness

          Manual made by Ydira Lopez, en Mexico. This manual is written in spanish and is about how to use herbs for trauma, oppression and sadness. Collectively working with plant medicine… Read More

          Madness & Oppression: Paths to Personal Transformation & Collective Liberation: A Mad Maps Guide by The Icarus Project

            Manual written and complied by The Icarus project to look at different forms of oppression and mental health, taking people step by step at collectively creating their own wellness documents. Read More

            Fat: The owners manual

              This is a book for anyone, of any size. It’s about living life in the body you have now, and making decisions about what you want in the future. Society’s… Read More