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(Critical) Clitoral Embodiment

    Sarah Mann-O'Donnell reflects in her blog on her experience participating in a Clitoral Embodiment workshop with Nicole Bindler, " experience of her clitoral embodiment work was quite simply that of… Read More

    Living in this queer body

      This podcast is for all of us queerly bodied people. Sometimes it feels like there is a constricting demand on our bodies, that we must look or feel or experience… Read More

      Sick Woman Theory

        An article discussing protest if you are chronically ill or unable to be in the streets for other reasons. Read More

        Access Intimacy: The Missing Link

          Mia Mingus' 2011 essay coining and describing the term access intimacy "Access intimacy is that elusive, hard to describe feeling when someone else “gets” your access needs." Read More

          On listening to that voice inside of you

            This is an article witth dancer and choreographer Soléne Weinachter on working as a freelance dancer, why the body has its own time, dancing away from the mirror, and establishing… Read More

            Queer and Transgender ASL Interpreters of Color Directory

              This is an online form, to be part of a growing resource that is an online directory of queer and trans ASL interprtors of colour across the USA. You can… Read More


                This article is written by a first generation Mexican American woman of color who discusses her experiences of microaggressions as a dance artist and how this has damaged her emotional… Read More

                Disabled Leaders in Dance

                  A Video produced by the Arts Council looking at how disabled dance artists are challenging the world of contemporary dance? Who are the disabled choreographers at the foreground of artistic… Read More

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