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A Non-Binary Guide to Embodying One’s Embryonic Gonads

    This audio recording for the Somatics Toolkit shares a practice created by Nicole Bindler that explores the development of the gonads, which are embryonic, unsexed ovaries, testis, or nonbinary variations.… Read More

    Living in this queer body

      This podcast is for all of us queerly bodied people. Sometimes it feels like there is a constricting demand on our bodies, that we must look or feel or experience… Read More

      Disability justice is part of the fight for racial equity.

        This article is about how the Black Lives Matter movement has drawn attention to injustice in the black community in policing, public health, and education. As WXXI's Noelle Evan's reports,… Read More

        Resources for anti-racism and Somatic Abolitionism work

          This page is a collection of resource, looking at dismantling systems and ideologies of oppression that devalue and dehumanize people of color. Here you’ll find a wealth of anti-racism and… Read More

          Practice: Reflection on Belonging with Prentis Hemphill

            This practice with Prentis Hemphill, former Healing Justice Director of Black Lives Matter, leads you to cultivate a sense of belonging within yourself that is untouchable by external conditions. It… Read More