Healing in Action: A toolkit for Black Lives Matter, Healing Justice & Direct Action

This toolkit, created by the BLM Healing Justice Working Group and other chapter members was created to collate, condense and share the lessons we have learned in ensuring that our direct actions are centered on healing justice. This toolkit will continue to be developed and updated.

Free 5 day racialized trauma course

5 day course explaining racilaised trauma, addressing trauma in the black body and trauma in hte white body, with Remaa Menakem author of My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Healing Collective Trauma

A load of offerings and links to organizations, individuals, publications, and media that are relevant to researching and healing historical and collective trauma.

Healing Justice for Black Lives Matter

The following three documents were created in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and the Baltimore Uprising. Our intention is to assist communities who are rising up and fighting back against anti-Black state and state-sanctioned violence to care for themselves, move through grief, heal from trauma, and attend to their emotional and physical safety in protest spaces.

White person talking about the whiteness of wellbeing industry

Article and reading list

Why Masseuse isn’t a dirty word so stop hating on sex workers.

Blog post from queer masseuse about use of the word masseuse and stigmatising sex work

Watching touch take you

A journey through bodywork and touch written by a Queer massage therapist about the expereince of going on a touch journey with client who is a trans man; together they wanted to share the writing with a wider audience

Trans Competency for holistic therapists

This course is designed for bodyworkers and holistic therapists, herbalists, yoga teachers and anyone else involved in complementary healthcare, to become more aware of the issues trans folk face and to make practices safer and more accessible for this community.

Binders and upper Back Pain

Goes over some of the physical problems that binding can cause and offers some self-stretching techniques to help

Masculinity, Vulnerability and Touch

Short blog post with extensive further reading list