Disability Justice – Statera Arts

Statera Arts is working with women* , non-binary people and marginalized populations across Arts and Activism. This website has a huge amount of resources specifically looking at disability and disability Justice. As well as Trans rights and healthcare etc.

Afro Feminias – Nuestras solo exsistencia es resistencia – Afro Feminsim – Our exsitience is resistence

This website is written in spanish. The website is an extensive resource and black feminist collectives across Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.

The Combahee Black Feminist Collective

This website is about the black feminist lesbian movement, the website is home to a group and resource with the imperative to the understanding of feminism and its political standings.

Radical feminist health care manual

Practices of Radical Health Care contains twelve interviews with protagonists of the health movement, touching on issues as feminist and Radical therapy, vaginal self-examination, alternative forms of organisation in health care such as a pharmacists collective, the HeileHaus (healing house) and self-organized health centers. The interviews are accompanied by archival materials and collages by Feminist Health Care Research Group. Based in West Germany and particular Berlin. You have to pay to download it.

Disabled LGBTQ Activists Are Redefining Sex and Sexuality

This is a short article written by someone in the queer community, discussing the representation in porn and erotica, sparking public discussions about sex and sexuality for those of all abilities.

Self Care and Sexuality

This is an article written in spanish, about self care practices and sexuality in times of social isolation. Looking at masturbation and other self care and self pleasure exercises.

Yes We Fuck

“Yes, we fuck ” is a documentary about sexuality and disability.

Lesbian Herstory Archives

The Lesbian Herstory Archives is a centre that holds a large collection of materials by and about lesbians and their communities. The archive is based in New York, in the USA, but you can digitally access a lot of the archive online.

Herbs against sadness

Manual made by Ydira Lopez, en Mexico. This manual is written in spanish and is about how to use herbs for trauma, oppression and sadness. Collectively working with plant medicine as a tool for collective healing in the body.

Madness & Oppression: Paths to Personal Transformation & Collective Liberation: A Mad Maps Guide by The Icarus Project

Manual written and complied by The Icarus project to look at different forms of oppression and mental health, taking people step by step at collectively creating their own wellness documents.