Tips for massage therapist who want to become intentionally welcoming to individuals of all genders and gender expressions.

Tips for massage therapist who want to become intentionally welcoming to individuals of all genders and gender expressions.
A Scotland-wide collective of herbalists and health activists working towards a society and healthcare system based on principles of fairness, justice and environmental responsibility.
This website houses information about what radical herbalism is, an archive about the gatherings, and information about the growing network of radical herbalism that spans the UK (and beyond), including information about learning about herbal medicine, growing medicine, herbal websites & blogs, community health projects and more.
Herbalists without Borders UK is currently an umbrella resource for autonomous groups in the UK and Ireland who are connected by the desire to promote and deliver herbal medicine to individuals and in communities where there is little recourse.
This is a site devoted to helping people to get to know the vast diversity of plants that can improve mood and wellbeing.
Herbs can be powerful allies in helping us to feel better. Learn how to navigate this site and how to get started working with herbs in your own life.
The vision of the Solidarity Apothecary is to build a world of stateless, revolutionary and resilient communities nourished by plant medicines embedded in collective health autonomy. The Solidarity Apothecary seeks to strengthen people and communities on the frontline of fighting oppression, state and capitalist violence and the coming years of climate chaos. I believe that plant medicines can play a role both in survival and self-defence and in building relationships and resilience from our bodies to our ecosystems.
Holistic Security is a strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security.
The manual is designed to guide a process of establishing or improving security strategies for individuals, collectives or organisations.
Different practices to advance collective wellbeing.
“In the absence of systems that care for us all, mutual and community care are critical pathways to our collective wellbeing. In striving for wellness, we must expand our vision from ME to WE.
But how do we become well in an unwell world? How do we become connected in a culture ruled by separation?
We get there by doing it together. Wellness is a collective practice that requires resistance, resilience and the reimagining of the beautiful and healthy world that we are worthy of.”
“This is Yoga & Reggaeton. Spiritual activism and intense perreo. To decolonize bodies and to challenge binaries. It is a movement practice created by Maque Pereyra that works at physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels. Through a series of exercises it gathers yoga asanas and spiritual principles, andean spirituality, fitness and guided meditation exercises and perreo.”
An article about the importance of language in relation to healing practices “Every time we talk about bodies and healing, we are in relationship to histories and beliefs about what is normal and what is not. These histories and beliefs carry invisible assumptions as heavy as gravity.”