Yes We Fuck

“Yes, we fuck ” is a documentary about sexuality and disability.

Lesbian Herstory Archives

The Lesbian Herstory Archives is a centre that holds a large collection of materials by and about lesbians and their communities. The archive is based in New York, in the USA, but you can digitally access a lot of the archive online.

Masculinity, Vulnerability and Touch

Short blog post with extensive further reading list

The Body is Not an Apology

An independent, queer, Black woman run digital media and education organization promoting radical self love as the foundation for a more just, equitable and compassionate world.

Learning Good Consent

Great pdf of zine all about consent in relation to intimacy, sex, accountability.

The Wheel of Consent

Useful framing, and diagram, outlining aspects of consent we can be aware and unaware of, and explore in consensual touch, like taking/allowing and serving/accepting. Also useful videos for exploring what consciousness of those aspects might mean, and/or how they might feel in practice.