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A guide to being an ally to Trasngender and Non Binary Youth

    This is a Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Non-binary Youth, it is an introductory educational resource that covers a wide range of topics and best practices on… Read More

    Disability justice is part of the fight for racial equity.

      This article is about how the Black Lives Matter movement has drawn attention to injustice in the black community in policing, public health, and education. As WXXI's Noelle Evan's reports,… Read More


        This article is about the white supremacist fetishization of black bodies and how it is often conflated with a care for black lives, but white desire is no evidence of… Read More

        44 Mental Health Resources for Black People Trying to Survive in This Country

          This is an article written by black woman Zahra Barnes about trying to process the violence and racism that are part and parcel of living in the Uk and as… Read More

          Resources for anti-racism and Somatic Abolitionism work

            This page is a collection of resource, looking at dismantling systems and ideologies of oppression that devalue and dehumanize people of color. Here you’ll find a wealth of anti-racism and… Read More

            She, He or they? How to recognize myself in language if I am gender fluid?(¿Ella, Él o Elle? ¿Cómo reconocerme en el lenguaje si soy de género fluido?)

              This article is written in Spanish. The artcile is by Black, Trans artist "LoMaasBello" from Buenaventura, Colombia talking about what inclusive language means to people of fluid gender. Read More

              Build a fortress: Testimony of a black, trans, non binary acticivist. (Construir una fortaleza: testimonio de una activista negra, trans, no binaria.)

                This interview is written in spanish, the article is about Louis Yupanqui, who had to face various situations of racism in their country. As they became an Afro activist, they… Read More

                Self as Other Zine

                  Zine about self and collective care Read More

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