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How we talk about bodies matters

    An article about the importance of language in relation to healing practices "Every time we talk about bodies and healing, we are in relationship to histories and beliefs about what… Read More

    Pleasure Activism: What’s Somatics got to do with it?

      1hr25mins Video (no subtitles) "This was a webinar conversation with adrienne maree brown, joined by fellow generative somatics (gs) teachers, Jonathan Stith, Mei-ying Williams, and Staci K. Haines" Read More

      The Embodiment Conference

        14-25th oct 2020. A place for learning, sharing and building community around embodiment. Register to watch live for free, there is a fee for recordings. Read More

        Generative Somatics: what is a politicised somatics?

          An essay that asks what is a politicised somatics and talks about what somatics is and is not. Read More

          On Bias and Neutrality in Contact Improvisation

            This piece by Nicole Bindler for Contact Quarterly makes a case for a more politicized contact improvisation community, specifically around the issue of Palestine/Israel. Read More

            Palestinian Dance and the Obfuscation of Somatic Source Material

              In this blog post for the Somatics Toolkit, Nicole Bindler discusses three topics derived from her lecture "Embodied Palestine Solidarity" that refer to ways that dance practices in the region… Read More

              A Non-Binary Guide to Embodying One’s Embryonic Gonads

                This audio recording for the Somatics Toolkit shares a practice created by Nicole Bindler that explores the development of the gonads, which are embryonic, unsexed ovaries, testis, or nonbinary variations.… Read More

                (Critical) Clitoral Embodiment

                  Sarah Mann-O'Donnell reflects in her blog on her experience participating in a Clitoral Embodiment workshop with Nicole Bindler, " experience of her clitoral embodiment work was quite simply that of… Read More

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