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On Alchemising Trauma and Ancestral Healing

    This week, we are savoring in the delight of slowing down and wading into the generative waters of free-flowing eros, healing, pleasure, and embodiment. In a culture of severance and… Read More

    What your body has to do with social change

      An excerpt from Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, written and edited by Adrienne Maree Brown about understanding embodied trauma and somatics. Read More

      Somatics, Trauma Healing and Social Change

        (Includes transcript of the podcast) Staci K. Haines, the founder of “Generative Somatics,” has integrated her extensive experience in both transforming individual and social trauma and in grassroots movements into… Read More

        Trauma, Healing and Collective Power

          In June 2018, generative somatics (gs) created a podcast with Spenta Kandawalla, Prentis Hemphill and Staci K. Haines, hosted by adrienne maree brown. It's a conversation about trauma, oppression, healing… Read More

          Resourcing Resilience, Working with Trauma

            Lou Hemmerman, Gesine Wenzel and Eweryst Zaremba from The Ulex Project are working together to develop Resourcing Resilience, Working with Trauma, a mainly somatics/bodywork based training to develop understanding, skills… Read More

            These 4 Essential Skills Will Help You Practice Trauma-Informed Massage

              Article by Sage Hayes on working with trauma as a massage therapist. Read More

              The Embodied Trauma Resource Library & conference

                Embodied Trauma put on a conference bringing together researchers and practitioners working on healing trauma through the body. Here you'll find links to their past speakers, a directory of somatic… Read More

                Consent Checklist

                  pdf of useful general ideas around consent, accountability etc, lots of which is relevant to bodywork practice. Read More

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