Some reflections by a massage therapist on working with trans people, including respectful practice, terminology and some physical issues that trans people might face.
Listing Directory: General
Basic introduction to transgender issues and terminology for Massage Therapists
Useful thoughts and suggestions from a non-binary person on making spaces more welcoming to trans and gender non-conforming people. This text is directed toward ‘medical professionals’ but useful to any folks welcoming people in to a space.
5 Ways that Massage Therapists can become more Trans Affirming – with links to other resources
An independent, queer, Black woman run digital media and education organization promoting radical self love as the foundation for a more just, equitable and compassionate world.
A collection of resources directed at people working with birth around gender, intersex conditions and birth justice.
Video series for our beloved community to help you learn more about the Core Elements and Phases of a Body Trust® Practice.
Video discussion by Crip Bits, of SINS INVALID: Titled FAT LIBERATION!!!! This video is with Bianca Laureano, Caleb Luna, and Patty Berne where they are talking about fat liberation and the crossover between disability identity and fat identity
This is a book for anyone, of any size. It’s about living life in the body you have now, and making decisions about what you want in the future. Society’s thin-obsession hurts us all, this is a book about fighting back. Whether you want to love your body, change your body, be a size acceptance activist, or understand and support your fat friends and family, this book provides the insights, aha moments, humor, and hard facts to help.
Why “danceswithfat?” I started this blog when I was competing in partner dancing. I keep blogging because there are people who hate themselves and their bodies because they don’t think they have another choice, and because there are people who diet only because they think it’s the only way to pursue health or happiness. I’m not trying to tell anybody what personal choices they have to make. My goal is and has always been to let as many people as possible know about the options of Size Acceptance and Health at Every Size. I believe that basic human respect is for people of all sizes. I believe in the concept of Intersectional social justice and I wear the label of Social Justice Warrior like a badge of honor. I know that ally is a verb, and I know that understanding my own privilege and using it to help dismantle the systems of oppression from which I directly benefit (including, in my case, racism, ableism, healthism, transphobia, and the good fatty/bad fatty dichotomy) is crucial and my basic responsibility in order to be a decent human being. My pronouns are she/her/hers.